Bench Press with Chains: Form, Benefits & Expert Tips   

A vector image of a bench press - it is the main image to the article "Resistance Band Bench Press".

Are you looking to take your bench press to the next level? Incorporating chains into your bench press routine might be just the solution you need.  

Bench press with chains is a popular technique used by powerlifters, strength athletes, and fitness enthusiasts to increase strength, power, and muscle activation. 

In this article, we’ll explore the form, benefits, and provide expert tips for incorporating chains into your bench press routine. So, grab your barbell and chains, and let’s dive into the world of bench press with chains! 

Form and Technique 

To perform the bench press with chains, follow these steps: 

Set up correctly: Place your desired weight on the barbell. Position the chains evenly on each end of the bar, with a portion of the chains resting on the ground. 

Lie on the bench: Lie flat on the bench with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Ensure that your head, upper back, and glutes are in contact with the bench throughout the exercise. 

Grip the barbell: Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the barbell. Maintain a firm grip, with your palms facing away from your face and your fingers wrapped around the bar. 

Unrack the bar: Lift the barbell off the rack and position it directly above your chest, with your arms fully extended. This is your starting position. 

Lower the bar: In a controlled manner, slowly lower the barbell to your chest while keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle. Aim to touch your chest lightly with the bar, but avoid bouncing it off your chest. 

Press the bar: Push the barbell back up to the starting position by extending your arms fully. Keep your elbows slightly tucked throughout the movement to engage your chest muscles effectively. 

Adjust to the chain resistance: As you press the barbell up, the chains will start to lift off the ground. Adjust to the changing resistance as the chains become lighter, gradually adding to the overall challenge of the exercise. 

Repeat the movement: Perform the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout the set. 

How to Use Chains for Bench Press 

Using chains for the bench press involves adding chains to the ends of the barbell to create variable resistance.  

The chains gradually lift off the ground as you press the barbell, adding more weight and resistance as you reach the lockout portion of the lift.  

Here are a few key points to keep in mind when using chains for bench press: 

Properly secure the chains: Ensure that the chains are securely fastened to the barbell using appropriate collars or carabiners. This ensures stability and safety during the exercise. 

Determine the appropriate chain weight: The weight of the chains will vary depending on the specific chain length and thickness. Most gyms provide chains of various weights, typically ranging from 20 to 50 pounds. Experiment with different chain weights to find the resistance that challenges you without compromising your form. 

Gradually add chains: If you’re new to bench pressing with chains, start with a lighter chain weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and stronger. This progressive approach allows your body to adapt to the increased challenge over time. 

Benefits of Bench Press with Chains 

Variable resistance: The addition of chains creates variable resistance throughout the bench press movement. As the chains lift off the ground, the weight increases, providing a greater challenge at the top portion of the lift. This helps to overcome sticking points and promotes increased strength and power development

Increased muscle activation: Bench press with chains recruits more stabilizer muscles compared to traditional bench press exercises. The changing resistance challenges your muscles throughout the entire range of motion, leading to increased muscle activation and improved muscle development. 

Enhanced strength and power: The variable resistance provided by chains helps develop explosive strength and power. The additional load at the top of the lift trains your muscles to exert maximum force during the lockout portion, translating to improved performance in various upper body pushing movements. 

Overcoming plateaus: If you’ve reached a plateau in your bench press progress, incorporating chains can be an effective way to break through it. The changing resistance challenges your muscles in a different way, stimulating new muscle growth and overcoming stagnant strength gains. 

Expert Tips for Bench Press with Chains 

Master proper bench press form first: Before incorporating chains into your bench press routine, ensure that you have mastered proper bench press form. This includes maintaining a stable position on the bench, controlling the barbell throughout the movement, and engaging the appropriate muscles. 

Start with lighter chains: If you’re new to bench pressing with chains, begin with lighter chains to get a feel for the added resistance. As you become comfortable and confident, progressively increase the weight of the chains. 

Maintain control and stability: Focus on maintaining control and stability throughout the exercise. Avoid excessive swinging or jerking of the barbell, as this can lead to injury. Control the eccentric (lowering) and concentric (lifting) phases of the lift for optimal results. 

Seek guidance from a coach or trainer: If you’re new to using chains for bench press, it can be helpful to seek guidance from a qualified coach or trainer. They can ensure that you are using proper technique, provide feedback on your form, and help you progress safely and effectively. 

To conclude; incorporating chains into your bench press routine can take your strength, power, and muscle development to new heights.  

The variable resistance provided by the chains challenges your muscles throughout the entire range of motion, promoting increased muscle activation and overcoming plateaus.  

Remember to focus on proper form, gradually add chains to the barbell, and maintain control and stability throughout the exercise.  

By understanding the benefits and following the expert tips provided, you can optimize your bench press with chains and unlock your full upper body strength potential. 

For more fitness content, head over to MovingForwards.  

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