Resistance Band Bench Press: Form, Benefits & Expert Tips  

The resistance band bench press is a versatile exercise that adds accommodating resistance to the traditional bench press movement. 

If you’re looking to add a new challenge to your bench press routine, incorporating resistance bands can be a game-changer. 

In this article, we’ll explore the proper form, benefits, and expert tips for performing the resistance band bench press. 

Whether you’re a seasoned lifter or a beginner, the resistance band bench press can help you build strength, improve muscle activation, and add variety to your training. Let’s dive in! 

Resistance Band Bench Press Video

Link: Bench Press with Resistance Bands +| Weights Chest Workout (

Form and Technique 

To perform the resistance band bench press, follow these steps: 

Set up the bands: Secure the resistance bands to the sides of the bench or a sturdy anchor point behind you. Ensure that the bands are properly aligned and evenly stretched. 

Position yourself on the bench: Sit on the bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Maintain a stable and balanced position throughout the exercise. 

Grip the barbell: Grasp the barbell with a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Ensure that your hands are centered and aligned with your wrists. 

Unrack the bar: Lift the barbell off the rack, ensuring your arms are fully extended. This is your starting position. 

Lower the bar: Inhale and slowly lower the barbell towards your chest in a controlled manner. Keep your elbows slightly tucked in and maintain tension in your chest and shoulders. 

Press the bar: Exhale and push the barbell back up to the starting position by extending your arms. Focus on contracting your chest muscles throughout the movement. 

Accommodate the resistance: As you press the barbell up, the resistance bands will stretch, increasing the resistance at the top of the movement. This challenges your muscles through the entire range of motion. 

Repeat the movement: Perform the desired number of repetitions while maintaining proper form and control. 

Benefits of Resistance Band Bench Press 

Increased Muscle Activation: The resistance bands provide variable resistance throughout the movement, increasing the muscle activation and tension in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. This can lead to greater muscle recruitment and improved strength gains. 

Overcoming Strength Plateaus: By adding accommodating resistance, the resistance band bench press helps break through strength plateaus. The increased tension at the top of the movement forces you to exert more effort, leading to improved strength gains. 

Joint-Friendly Exercise: The resistance band bench press is a joint-friendly alternative to traditional bench press exercises. The bands help reduce the stress on the joints by deloading the weight at the bottom of the movement, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint issues or those in need of rehabilitation. 

Versatile Training Tool: Resistance bands come in various resistances, making them suitable for all fitness levels. They can be easily adjusted by adding or removing bands, allowing for progressive overload and customization of the exercise intensity. 

Expert Tips for Resistance Band Bench Press 

Choose the Right Bands: Select the appropriate resistance bands based on your strength and fitness level. Start with a lighter resistance and gradually increase as you become comfortable with the exercise. The best resistance bands for bench press exercises are durable, provide sufficient tension, and have comfortable handles or grips. 

Maintain Proper Form: Focus on maintaining a stable and strong body position throughout the exercise. Keep your back pressed against the bench, maintain a slight arch in your lower back, and engage your core muscles for stability. Avoid excessive bouncing or arching of the back. 

Gradually Increase Band Tension: As your strength improves, gradually increase the tension of the resistance bands by using thicker bands or adding more bands to the setup. This allows for progressive overload and continued muscle growth. 

Combine with Other Exercises: The resistance band bench press can be incorporated into a well-rounded training program. Combine it with other compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses to target multiple muscle groups and promote overall strength development. 

Resistance Band Bench Press vs. Traditional Bench Press 

The resistance band bench press offers several advantages over the traditional bench press: 

Accommodating Resistance: Unlike the traditional bench press, the resistance band bench press provides accommodating resistance throughout the movement. This means that the resistance increases as you extend your arms, challenging your muscles at their strongest point. 

Joint-Friendly: The resistance bands help deload the weight at the bottom of the movement, reducing stress on the joints. This makes the exercise more joint-friendly, allowing individuals with joint issues to perform the movement with less discomfort. 

Improved Muscle Activation: The resistance bands enhance muscle activation by increasing tension and requiring greater effort from the muscles. This can lead to improved muscle recruitment and strength gains. 

Incline Bench Press with Resistance Bands 

You can also perform the incline bench press with resistance bands using the same principles outlined above. 

Adjust the bench to an incline position and follow the same form and technique. 

The incline bench press targets the upper chest and shoulders, and the addition of resistance bands can further challenge these muscle groups. 

To conclude; the resistance band bench press is a versatile exercise that adds accommodating resistance to the traditional bench press movement. 

 It offers unique benefits, including increased muscle activation, improved joint-friendliness, and versatility for all fitness levels. 

Resistance Band Bench Press – FAQs

Can you bench press with resistance bands?

Yes, you can bench press with resistance bands, and it’s a great exercise for adding variety to your workout routine.

Using resistance bands during bench pressing adds an extra challenge to the movement by increasing resistance at the top of the lift, where the muscles are typically strongest.

This helps target the muscles throughout the entire range of motion and can help improve strength and muscle growth. Additionally, bench pressing with resistance bands engages stabilizer muscles, promoting better overall muscle development and joint stability.

It’s a great way to change up your traditional bench press routine and add variety to your workouts.

Are banded bench press good?

Yes, banded bench presses are a good addition to your workout routine.

They offer several benefits, including increasing resistance throughout the movement, improving muscle activation, and challenging stabilizer muscles.

Banded bench presses also help address any weaknesses in the strength curve of the lift, ensuring more balanced muscle development. By adding resistance bands to your bench press, you can make the exercise more challenging and effective, leading to greater gains in strength and muscle mass over time.

Just be sure to use proper form and choose the appropriate resistance level for your fitness level.

Can I build chest with resistance bands?

Yes, you can build chest muscles with resistance bands. Resistance bands offer a versatile and effective way to target the chest muscles through a variety of exercises, including chest presses, flyes, and push-ups.

When used correctly, resistance bands provide constant tension on the muscles throughout the movement, which can help stimulate muscle growth and development.

By incorporating resistance band exercises into your workout routine and progressively increasing the resistance over time, you can effectively build strength and muscle mass in your chest.

Resistance bands are also convenient and portable, making them a great option for at-home workouts or when you’re on the go.

Picking up and lifting heavy things will always result in muscle gains, no matter if it is a band or weights. As long as you take it to that last rep, you will build a great chest without any problems.

Are resistance band push ups better than bench press?

The comparison between resistance band push-ups and bench press depends on individual fitness goals, preferences, and workout circumstances.

Resistance band push-ups offer a portable and versatile option that engages stabilizer muscles and challenges balance due to the unstable surface created by the bands.

On the other hand, bench press with weights provides a stable platform for lifting heavier loads and targeting specific muscle groups, such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps, in a controlled manner.

There are a lot of different answers to this question. Both exercises have their merits and can be effective depending on the desired outcome and training context. It’s like asking whats better between front squats and back squats – there is no clear cut answer.

What is a bench press with resistance bands?

A bench press with resistance bands involves attaching bands to a stable anchor point and then securing them to the ends of a barbell or dumbbells during the bench press exercise.

As the barbell or dumbbells are lifted, the resistance bands stretch, providing additional resistance at the top of the movement.

This added resistance challenges the muscles throughout the lift, particularly in the final portion where the muscles are typically strongest, promoting greater muscle activation and growth.

What are the benefits of a resistance band bench press?

The resistance band bench press offers several benefits, including increased muscle activation, improved strength gains, and enhanced stability.

By adding resistance bands to the traditional bench press exercise, you create an additional challenge for the muscles, particularly at the top of the lift, where the muscles are typically strongest. This can lead to greater muscle activation and growth, as well as improved overall strength.

Additionally, the instability created by the resistance bands forces stabilizer muscles to work harder, promoting better balance and joint stability. The next step would be to get even stronger resistance bands, increasing the load without having to get heavier weights.

All you will need is a few little weights and a few little plates and you will have everything you need.

Why is a resistance band bench press the perfect addition to your home gym?

A resistance band bench press is the perfect addition to a home gym because it offers a convenient and effective way to enhance your workouts without the need for heavy equipment like a standard barbell bench press (also known as the big bench thing) would require or large amounts of space.

Resistance bands are portable, affordable, and versatile, allowing you to perform a variety of exercises, including bench press variations, at home or on the go.

Additionally, resistance band bench press exercises can be easily modified to accommodate different fitness levels and goals, making them suitable for beginners and experienced lifters alike.

The key difference is that with minimal equipment and space required, a resistance band bench press is a practical and efficient option for building strength and muscle mass in the comfort of your own home.

All you need is a flat bench and you are done. There is no additional load required.

By incorporating resistance bands into your bench press routine, you can break through strength plateaus, enhance muscle activation, and add variety to your training. 

Remember to choose the right bands, maintain proper form, and gradually increase the resistance to continue challenging your muscles. 

Enjoy the benefits of the resistance band bench press and take your chest and upper body strength to new heights! 

For more advice on how to perform the resistance band bench press, feel free to head over to MovingForwards

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