Protein Calculator
You should take ...... of protein per day
Protein Calculator
How To Use Our Protein Calculator?
To use our protein calculator, you need to put input various details like your height, weight, gender, activity level, age, and goals.
From here, simply click “calculate” at the bottom of the calculator.
Our protein calculator will then give you a rough estimate of how much protein you need to consume on a daily basis depending on the information you entered.
How Did We Calculate Your Protein Intake?
Our protein calculator takes into consideration various factors that can impact how much protein you need to consume on a daily basis and gives you a rough estimate of how much you need to consume based on the information you gave.
The most important piece of information that makes the biggest impact is weight.
Which Goal And Activity Level Should I Choose?
Maintain Current Weight
Maintain current weight should be selected if you are happy with your current body and do not want to lose or gain any weight.
If you are healthy and happy with the way you look, then it is perfectly fine to just maintain your current weight.
Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight, then you should pick the lose weight option.
Our protein calculator for weight loss will determine how much protein you need to consume on a daily basis based on the information you gave so you minimise muscle loss while cutting.
Gain Weight
For those of you who want to gain weight or muscle, you should select the gain weight option.
Using our protein calculator to build muscle is simple – simply input your details and follow the rough estimate that is given to you.
Activity Level
Activity level is often a variable that some people struggle with.
While there are no concreate guidelines that determine which category you fall into, you should try your best to give an honest estimation of how active you are.
If you get no exercise and work a desk job, then sedentary likely describes your lifestyle the best.
If you have a hands-on job and also hit the gym almost every day, then very active would likely describe your activity level better.
Just do your best to answer honestly.
What Are Proteins?
Protein is a macronutrient that is found in food and is vital for a plethora of important functions in our bodies.
Protein plays an integral role in building muscle, keeping the immune system strong, and maintaining healthy bones.
How Much Protein Do I Need?
The amount of protein you need to consume depends on a variety of factors like age, gender, weight, height, activity level, and goals.
All of these factors can make a big difference in how much protein you consume.
To give one example; protein requirements by age generally go up – the older you are, the more protein you will need to gain muscle, lose weight, and stay healthy.
Foods High In Protein
Chicken breast: Chicken breast is a popular lean protein source, with about 31 grams of protein per 100 grams of cooked meat.
Fish: Many types of fish are high in protein, including salmon (22 grams per 100 grams of cooked fish), tuna (30 grams per 100 grams of canned fish), and tilapia (26 grams per 100 grams of cooked fish).
Eggs: Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, with about 6 grams of protein per large egg.
Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is a great high-protein snack or breakfast option, with around 17 grams of protein per 170-gram serving.
Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese is another dairy-based high-protein food, with around 12 grams of protein per 100-gram serving.
Quinoa: Quinoa is a high-protein grain alternative, with about 8 grams of protein per cooked 1-cup serving.
Lentils: Lentils are a high-protein vegetarian option, with about 18 grams of protein per cooked 1-cup serving.
Tofu: Tofu is a popular plant-based protein source, with about 10 grams of protein per 100-gram serving.
Peanut butter: Peanut butter is a tasty high-protein spread, with around 7 grams of protein per 2-tablespoon serving.
Almonds: Almonds are a high-protein nut option, with about 6 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.
How To Lose Weight
1. Pick a Weight-Loss Workout Plan.
If you want to lose weight, the first step would be to pick a good weight loss workout plan.
While exercising isn’t essential for losing weight (most of your weight loss will come from diet), it can help speed up results.
It doesn’t matter what weight loss workout plan you go with –as long as it burns some calories and gets your blood pumping, you can’t go wrong.
2. Calculate Your Macronutrient Ratio.
Next, you need to calculate your dietary needs.
This means finding out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight as well as how much protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be eating per day.
You can find out how many calories you need to eat by going to a calorie calculator, and you can find out what your macronutrient ratio is by using our protein calculator as well as other similar tools.
3. Learn About the Best Fat-Loss Supplements.
If you are really looking to min-max, you might want to begin to delve into the wonderful world of fat-loss supplements.
Truth be told; not many of them work. But some do.
Supplements like creatine or amino acids can help you build more muscle mass and how onto your muscle when dieting, speeding up the weight loss progress and improving your body composition.
It’s not going to make a big difference, but every little helps.
4. Join a Fitness Community.
Last but not least, it could be a good idea to join a fitness community.
Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you do not have previous experience with weight loss in the past.
Joining a fitness community can not only connect you with like-minded people who will be able to help you throughout your journey, but it will also put you in contact with people who will be able to give you useful advice if you are unsure about something.
How Do I Calculate The Protein In My Food?
To calculate the protein in your food, you should check the protein of everything you consume and write it down or input the information into some kind of tracking app.
You do not need to be too precise when it comes to protein, so don’t worry about doing things perfectly.
Just having a general idea of how much protein you eat every day is likely going to be enough to get you to where you want to be.
Factors That Can Influence Protein Intake
Are You A Male Or Female?
Men generally require more protein than women due to having a higher muscle mass.
How Tall Are You?
Taller individuals may require more protein to support their increased body size and muscle mass.
What Is Your Body Type?
Individuals with a higher muscle mass or a more muscular build may require more protein to support their muscle growth and repair.
What Is Your General Activity Level Other Than Workouts?
Active individuals, such as those with physically demanding jobs, may require more protein to support their energy needs and muscle recovery.
How Often Do You Strength Train Each Week?
Individuals who strength train frequently may require more protein to support their muscle growth and repair.
What Kind Of Strength Or Resistance Training Do You Enjoy?
Different types of strength training, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, may have different protein requirements.
How Often Do You Perform Cardiovascular Exercise Each Week?
Cardiovascular exercise can increase energy needs and muscle recovery, which may require more protein intake.
What Kind Of Cardio Do You Enjoy?
Different types of cardio, such as running or cycling, may have different protein requirements.
What Is Your Main Training Goal?
Individuals with a goal of muscle gain or weight loss may require more protein to support their goals.
Do You Have Any Dietary Restrictions?
Certain dietary restrictions such as vegetarian or vegan diets require careful consideration of protein intake sources.
Do You Do Strength Training; Deadlifts, Squats, Or Similar Exercises Each Week?
These compound exercises are highly demanding on muscles and can require higher protein intake for recovery.
Do You Do Cardiovascular Training Outside Of Your Strength Training Each Week?
Similar to strength training, cardiovascular training can also require higher protein intake for muscle recovery.
How Long Have You Been Training?
Individuals who have been training for a longer time may require higher protein intake to support their muscle maintenance and recovery.
Protein Calculator – FAQs
How Do I Calculate My Protein Needs?
To calculate how much protein you need to eat per day, you can input your details into our protein calculator for weight loss and muscle gain and get a rough estimation.
This is the simplest and quickest way to get a rough idea of how much protein you need to consume for health and performance.
How To Get 200g Of Protein A Day?
To get 200g of protein a day, you need to eat lots of protein rich foods like fish, meat, eggs, and oats.
This roughly translates to having one or more large portions of a protein-rich foods with every meal.
How Do I Calculate How Much Protein I Ate?
You can use a protein calculator app to keep track of much protein you eat.
Practically every food lists the protein contained inside of it on the packaging, so just input this information into an app or write it down as you go through your day.
How Much Protein Do I Need To Build Muscle?
You can find out how much protein you need to build muscle by using a protein calculator.
A protein calculator takes your statistics such as height and weight and gives you a rough estimate of how much protein you need to eat based on your goals.
Why Protein Is Essential To Your Diet?
Protein is essential to your diet because it maintains muscle mass, promotes bone health, and keeps your immune system strong.
How Much Protein Do I Need In A Day?
The amount of protein you need in a day varies based on factors like age, height, weight, and age.
You can use our protein calculator to find out how much protein you need to consume based on the aforementioned factors.
What Is The RDA Of Protein For Muscle Growth?
The RDA of protein for muscle growth is 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
What Are The Benefits To Eating Protein?
The benefits of eating protein and increased muscle mass, stronger bones, and a healthier immune system.
What Happens If You Have Too Much Protein?
If you have too much protein, you may experience stomach discomfort or diarrhea/constipation.
Consuming too much protein over long periods of time can also increase the likelihood of kidney stones.
Which Foods Are High In Protein?
Some foods that are high in protein are fish, eggs, meat, oats, tofu, and peanut butter.
How Much Protein Should I Consume From Supplements?
How much protein you should consume from supplements varies depending on your own dietary needs as well as your current diet.
Many people underestimate how much protein is in certain foods – this is why searches like “how much protein in an egg” are of vital importance.
You should find out how much protein you need as well as how much you get from your current diet and then supplement with additional supplements if you need to make up the difference.
Why Is The Recommended Daily Value For Protein Not The Best For Health And Performance?
The recommended daily value for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.