Board Bench Press: Form, Benefits & Expert Tips  

a vector image of a bench press - it is the main image for the article "Board Bench Press"

Are you looking to add variety and intensity to your bench press routine? If so, the board bench press might be just what you need.  

This exercise involves using boards or blocks to limit the range of motion during the bench press movement, allowing you to focus on specific parts of the lift and enhance strength and power.  

In this article, we will explore the form, benefits, and expert tips for performing the board bench press.  

Whether you’re a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or fitness enthusiast, incorporating this exercise into your training can take your bench press to new heights. Let’s dive in! 

Form and Technique 

To perform the board bench press, follow these steps: 

Set up the boards or blocks: Start by selecting the appropriate number of boards or blocks based on your desired range of motion restriction. Place them on your chest, just below your nipple line, and secure them with tape or elastic bands. Alternatively, you can use a commercial bench press block pad designed specifically for this exercise. 

Lie on the bench: Position yourself on the bench with your feet flat on the ground, ensuring that your back, shoulders, and glutes are in contact with the bench throughout the exercise. Grip the barbell with a grip width that is comfortable for you. 

Unrack the barbell: Lift the barbell off the rack and hold it directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. 

Lower the barbell: Inhale and slowly lower the barbell towards your chest, making sure it touches the boards or blocks. Maintain control and keep your elbows tucked in at about a 45-degree angle. 

Press the barbell: Exhale and forcefully press the barbell back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms. Maintain tension and engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps throughout the movement. 

Repeat the movement: Perform the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control. 

Benefits of Board Bench Press 

Enhanced Strength in Specific Ranges: The board bench press allows you to isolate and focus on specific parts of the bench press movement, such as the lockout phase. By targeting these specific ranges of motion, you can develop strength and power in those areas, which can transfer to improved overall bench press performance. 

Overcoming Sticking Points: The board bench press can be particularly useful for overcoming sticking points in the bench press. By limiting the range of motion and focusing on specific parts of the lift where you struggle the most, you can work on improving your weaknesses and breaking through plateaus. 

Specificity for Powerlifting: For powerlifters, the board bench press provides a specific training stimulus that closely mimics the demands of the bench press in competition. It allows you to practice handling heavier weights and build confidence in specific positions. 

Expert Tips for Board Bench Press 

Start with a Conservative Range: When starting out, it’s recommended to use fewer boards or blocks to allow for a greater range of motion. As you become comfortable with the exercise and develop strength, you can gradually increase the number of boards to further restrict the range of motion. 

Maintain Proper Form: Regardless of the range of motion, it’s crucial to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your back, shoulders, and glutes in contact with the bench, and ensure your elbows are tucked in and your wrists are straight. This will help prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise. 

Gradually Increase Weight: As with any exercise, gradually increase the weight you’re lifting over time. Focus on proper technique and control before adding more weight. This will ensure that you progress safely and effectively. 

Combine with Full Range Bench Press: While the board bench press can be a valuable addition to your training, it’s essential to also include the traditional full range bench press in your routine. This will help maintain strength and proficiency throughout the entire range of motion. 

Board Press vs. Pin Press 

It’s worth noting the difference between board press and pin press exercises. 

While both exercises restrict the range of motion, the main difference lies in the equipment used.  

The board press involves using boards or blocks placed on your chest, while the pin press utilizes safety pins set at a specific height within a power rack.  

Both exercises have their benefits and can be incorporated into your training based on your specific goals and preferences. 

2-Board Press Alternative 

If you don’t have access to boards or blocks, an alternative to the 2-board press is performing a partial range bench press using a power rack or Smith machine.  

Adjust the height of the safety pins or bar supports to limit the range of motion, focusing on specific parts of the lift. 

In summary, the board bench press is a versatile exercise that offers numerous benefits for strength, power, and overcoming sticking points in the bench press.  

By restricting the range of motion, you can target specific areas of the lift, enhance strength, and break through plateaus.  

Remember to start with a conservative range, maintain proper form, gradually increase weight, and combine this exercise with full range bench press movements. 

With consistent practice and dedication, the board bench press can become a valuable tool in your training arsenal. 

For more fitness help, feel free to head over to MovingForwards

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