Asian Squat: How to Perform, Benefits & Expert Tips 

The Asian squat is a great movement that can improve flexibility and mobility when done right, and despite what you may have heard, anyone can Asian squat. 

It can take some time, but no matter who you are or where you may be from, you too will be able to do the prestigious Asian squat. 

Let’s dive right into it and take a look at how to perform the Asian squat, the benefits that come from doing this exercise, and some expert tips that can help you achieve the Asian squat quicker.  

What are Asian Squats? 

Asian squats, also known as deep squats or full squats, are a natural resting and working position commonly observed in many Asian cultures.  

It involves assuming a deep squatting posture with the heels on the ground and the hips positioned close to or below knee level.  

Asian squats are a fundamental part of daily life in these cultures, used for various activities such as eating, resting, socializing, and performing tasks. 

Is the Asian Squat Genetics? 

The ability to perform an Asian squat is not solely determined by genetics.  

While certain anatomical variations, such as hip socket shape and bone structure, may influence one’s squatting ability, it’s important to note that practice, conditioning, and flexibility play significant roles. 

 Regular practice and gradual adaptation can help individuals of different backgrounds and genetic predispositions improve their Asian squatting ability. 

Why Can’t Everyone Do The Asian Squat? Biomechanics Explained 

  1. Sedentary Lifestyle: Modern lifestyles, characterized by prolonged sitting and limited mobility, can lead to tight hips, ankles, and lower extremity muscles, making it challenging to achieve the necessary range of motion for a deep squat. 
  1. Hip and Ankle Mobility: Adequate hip and ankle mobility are essential for performing an Asian squat. Limited mobility in these areas can restrict the ability to lower the hips deeply and keep the heels on the ground. 
  1. Muscle Imbalances: Imbalances in muscle strength and flexibility, particularly in the lower body, can affect squatting mechanics and make it harder to maintain stability and proper form. 
  1. Structural Limitations: Some individuals may have structural limitations, such as tight ligaments, joint abnormalities, or previous injuries, that affect their squatting ability. 

Why is the Asian Squat so Predominant in Asians? 

The prevalence of the Asian squat in Asian cultures can be attributed to various factors, including cultural practices, lifestyle, and historical influences.  

Traditional Asian lifestyles often involve activities that require squatting, such as farming, cooking, and using squat toilets.  

These repeated movements and cultural habits contribute to a greater familiarity and comfort with the Asian squatting position among Asians. 

Why the Asian Squat is so Difficult for Most People to Perform 

For many individuals not accustomed to deep squatting, the Asian squat can be challenging due to a lack of flexibility, limited strength in the lower body, and unfamiliarity with the movement pattern.  

Additionally, lifestyle factors, such as prolonged sitting and a lack of regular physical activity, can further contribute to difficulty in achieving an Asian squat position. 

However, it’s important to note that with consistent practice, targeted mobility exercises, and gradual progression, most individuals can improve their ability to perform the Asian squat. 

It may take time to develop the necessary flexibility, strength, and balance, but the benefits and rewards of incorporating Asian squats into your routine are worth the effort. 

Remember, the Asian squat is not just about achieving a specific position but also embracing a functional and natural movement pattern that can enhance mobility, flexibility, and overall well-being. 

How to Asian Squat 

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes pointing forward or slightly outward. 
  1. Slowly lower your body down into a deep squat, keeping your heels on the ground if possible. 
  1. As you descend, allow your hips to sink down between your legs, maintaining an upright torso. 
  1. Engage your core muscles for stability and balance. 
  1. If needed, you can use your elbows to gently push your knees outward, helping to maintain proper alignment. 
  1. Hold the position for as long as comfortable, and then slowly rise back up to a standing position. 

Are Asian Squats Good for You? 

Absolutely! Asian squats offer several benefits for the body and overall health. This natural squatting position has been a part of daily life for many Asian cultures for centuries. It promotes flexibility, joint mobility, and functional strength. 

Here are a few other benefits of Asian squats.  

Benefits of Asian Squats 

Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Asian squats help improve hip, knee, and ankle mobility, enhancing your range of motion in daily activities and exercise routines. 

Stronger Lower Body: Regularly practicing Asian squats can strengthen the muscles of the legs, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. 

Improved Digestion: Squatting can aid in digestion by promoting better bowel movements and preventing constipation. 

Joint Health: Asian squats promote healthy joint function and help reduce the risk of joint-related issues, such as stiffness and discomfort. 

Increased Balance and Stability: Squatting in this position challenges your balance and improves stability, benefiting overall movement and coordination. 

Asian Squat vs Slav Squat 

While the Asian squat and Slav squat may appear similar, they have some differences in execution and cultural context.  

The Asian squat involves a deeper squat position, with the heels ideally staying on the ground.  

The Slav squat, on the other hand, typically involves a shallower squat with the heels lifted off the ground. 

Both of these movements are incredibly similar, but it is important to know the difference if you are only interested in one or the other.  

Adding Asian Squats into Your Daily Routine 

To incorporate Asian squats into your daily routine, consider the following tips: 

  1. Start Gradually: If you’re new to squatting or have limited mobility, begin with shallow squats and gradually work your way into a deeper position over time. 
  1. Set Aside Time: Allocate a few minutes each day to practice the Asian squat. It can be done as a standalone exercise or incorporated into your warm-up or cool-down routine. 
  1. Use Props: If needed, you can place a block or object under your heels for support as you work on your squat depth. Over time, aim to reduce reliance on props. 
  1. Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Aim to incorporate Asian squats into your routine at least a few times per week to experience the benefits. 

Asian Squat Challenge 

Are you up for an Asian Squat Challenge? This fun and rewarding challenge will help you improve your mobility, flexibility, and overall strength. Here’s how to get started: 

  1. Set a Goal: Determine the duration or number of reps you want to achieve in your Asian squat. Start with a realistic goal that challenges you but is achievable. 
  1. Warm Up: Before diving into the challenge, warm up your muscles and joints with some light cardio exercises and dynamic stretches. 
  1. Find Your Asian Squat Position: Assume the Asian squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes pointing forward or slightly outward. Make sure to keep your heels on the ground if possible. 
  1. Start the Challenge: Begin by holding the Asian squat for a comfortable duration, aiming to increase it gradually over time. Alternatively, you can set a target number of repetitions to complete. 
  1. Track Your Progress: Keep a record of your daily progress, noting the duration or number of reps achieved. This will help you stay motivated and track your improvements. 
  1. Stay Consistent: Perform the Asian squat challenge regularly, ideally on a daily basis, to experience the most significant benefits. 

The Anatomy of the Asian Squat 


The gluteal muscles, including the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, are activated during the Asian squat, contributing to hip extension and stability. 


The muscles at the back of your thighs, the hamstrings, work to support the squatting motion and maintain balance. 


The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calves help stabilize the ankles and contribute to the squatting movement. 

Adductor Magnus 

Located on the inner thigh, the adductor magnus assists in maintaining proper alignment of the knees during the squat. 

Erectors, Abdominals, and Obliques 

These core muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing the spine and maintaining an upright posture during the Asian squat. 

When to Start Performing the Asian Squat 

The Asian squat can be incorporated into your fitness routine at any time, regardless of your fitness level.  

However, it’s essential to consider your current mobility and flexibility.  

If you have any pre-existing conditions or limitations, consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified trainer before attempting the Asian squat. 

Differences Between The Asian Squat vs Western Squat 

The Asian squat and Western squat differ in terms of depth and foot position.  

The Asian squat involves a deeper squatting position, with the hips dropping below the knees and the heels ideally staying on the ground.  

In contrast, the Western squat typically involves a shallower squat, with the hips roughly in line with the knees and the heels lifted. 

Why Is The Asian Squat So Difficult? 

The Asian squat can be challenging for individuals who are not accustomed to deep squatting.  

Factors such as limited mobility, tightness in the hips, and ankle inflexibility can make it difficult to achieve a comfortable and stable Asian squat position. 

However, with regular practice and gradual progression, these challenges can be overcome, and the Asian squat can become more accessible. 

Asian Squat – FAQs 

What Is The Asian Squat Good For? 

The Asian squat is good for improving flexibility and mobility.  

It can also provide you with a way to sit comfortably even when there are no seats.  

Can Everyone Do The Asian Squat? 

Yes, everyone can do the Asian squat. 

Barring people with disabilities, almost everyone can learn to do the Asian squat with enough time and practice.  

What Was the Asian Squat? 

The Asian squat was a movement that was mainly developed out of necessity, allowing poor families to comfortably sit while they work or rest without a seat.  

What Is The Difference Between Asian Squat And Russian Squat? 

The difference between the Asian squat and Russian squat is that the Asian squat uses a slightly narrower stance than the Russian squat.  

What Are The Main Asian Squat Problems and Benefits? 

The main Asian squat problems and benefits are that the Asian squat requires a decent level of strength and mobility to perform, but it can also be a great movement for developing flexibility. 

It can also allow you to sit comfortably anywhere even without a seat.  

Does The Asian Squat Burn Calories? 

Yes, the Asian squat does burn calories, although not enough to make a noticeable difference. 

Your legs and glutes are actively engaged during the Asian squat, so there is some level of stimulus.

We hope we have been able to give you a better insight into the wonderful world of Asian squats! 

The Asian squat might seem impossible if you are particularly inflexible, but with enough time and effort, almost anyone can perform this movement.  

For more fitness help and advice, don’t be afraid to check out MovingForwards. 

See you in the next one! 

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