How Often Should I Squat? What The Science Says  

The question of “how often should I squat” is one that is incredibly common within the fitness industry, and there is a good reason why. 

Knowing how often you should squat is important for maximising muscle and strength growth, and even missing one workout a week can lead to a massive difference in the long run.

But what does the science say when it comes to squat frequency?  

Well, that’s exactly what we are going to delve into in this article.  

Let’s get right into it and take a look at the question “how often should I squat”. 

How Many Times Per Week Should You Squat? 

For optimal results, you should be squatting 2-3 times a week. 

Studies have shown that squatting at least twice a week leads to a significant boost in gains when compared to squatting once a week, so this should be your goal if hypertrophy is your main aim. 

Of course, you can still gain muscle even if you squat once a week, but progress will be much slower and harder. 

What Is Workout Frequency? 

Workout frequency refers to the number of times you perform a specific exercise, like squats, in a given week. It is an essential aspect of your training program and can be adjusted based on your goals, training history, and recovery capacity. 

Reasons Why You SHOULD Squat More Often? 

You’ve Hit A Plateau In Squat Strength 

If you find yourself stuck at a certain squat weight and unable to progress, increasing the frequency of squat workouts may provide the stimulus your muscles need to break through the plateau. 

You’ve Maxed Out Your Training Volume On Your Current Split 

If you’ve reached the maximum amount of squatting volume on your current training split, spreading the volume across more sessions per week can lead to better progress. 

You Want To Improve Your Squat Technique 

More frequent squatting allows you to practice the movement pattern more often, helping you refine your technique and make necessary adjustments. 

You Want To Prioritize Squatting Over Everything Else 

If squatting is a primary training goal, dedicating more sessions to it can lead to better results and increased proficiency. 

Your Training Is Boring And You Want To Try Something New And Different 

Increasing squat frequency can bring excitement and variation to your routine, keeping you motivated and engaged. 

You Want To Experiment With Different Periodization Strategies 

Manipulating squat frequency is an excellent way to experiment with different training methods and find what works best for your body. 

You’re Far Away From Competition 

If you are not preparing for a powerlifting or weightlifting competition, you have more flexibility to increase squat frequency for general strength and fitness goals. 

Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Squat More Often 

Don’t Fix What’s Already Working 

If your current squatting frequency is yielding good results and fits well with your recovery capacity, there might be no need to increase it. 

You Still Have Opportunity to Increase Your Volume 

Before increasing squat frequency, consider if you can add more sets or reps to your existing sessions first. 

Squatting Is Not Your Main Priority 

If other lifts or exercises are your primary focus, diverting too much attention to squatting might hinder overall progress. 

You Don’t Have The Time or Resources To Increase Frequency 

If your schedule or gym availability is limited, adding more squat sessions might not be feasible. 

You Have Injuries or Are Prone To Injuries 

Increasing squat frequency might exacerbate existing injuries or lead to new ones. It’s essential to prioritize recovery and injury prevention. 

You Have A Competition Coming Up 

If you’re preparing for a powerlifting or weightlifting competition, it’s best to stick to your planned training program to peak at the right time. 

Sample Training Splits For Squat 

Squat 1-Day Squat Training Split 

  • Day 1: Squat-focused workout (e.g., high-intensity squats and accessory exercises) 

Squat 2-Day Squat Training Split 

  • Day 1: Squat-focused workout (high intensity) 
  • Day 2: Squat-focused workout (moderate intensity) or squat variation (e.g., front squats) 

Squat 3-Day Squat Training Split 

  • Day 1: Squat-focused workout (high intensity) 
  • Day 2: Squat-focused workout (moderate intensity) or squat variation 
  • Day 3: Lighter squat session or rest day 

Squat 4-Day Squat Training Split 

  • Day 1: Squat-focused workout (high intensity) 
  • Day 2: Squat-focused workout (moderate intensity) or squat variation 
  • Day 3: Squat-focused workout (light intensity) 
  • Day 4: Active recovery or rest day 

How Often Should You Squat and Deadlift Per Week? 

What’s Your Training Goal? 

  • Strength and Power: Higher frequency (3-4 times per week) can be beneficial to build strength and power. 
  • Muscle Hypertrophy: Moderate frequency (2-3 times per week) allows for sufficient recovery while stimulating muscle growth. 
  • General Fitness: Lower frequency (1-2 times per week) can be effective for overall fitness and strength maintenance. 

Training History 

  • Beginner: Start with a lower frequency and gradually increase as you become more experienced. 
  • Intermediate/Advanced: Adjust frequency based on your specific goals and recovery capabilities. 

Structuring High and Low Squat and Deadlift Frequency 

Squat or Deadlift 4x/Week 

  • Reserve this frequency for experienced lifters focusing on strength and power development. 
  • Incorporate variations and accessory exercises to manage fatigue. 

Squat or Deadlift 3x/Week 

  • Suitable for intermediate lifters seeking balanced progress and muscle development. 
  • Utilize different rep ranges and exercises to prevent overuse injuries. 

Squat or Deadlift 2x/Week 

  • Effective for general fitness and muscle maintenance. 
  • Focus on proper form and gradually increase intensity. 

Squat or Deadlift Once a Week 

  • Recommended for beginners or as part of a varied training routine. 
  • Include other compound exercises to maintain overall strength. 

What Else to Consider 

Are You Doing Squats the Right Way? 

Before increasing squat frequency, ensure you are performing squats with proper technique. Consider seeking guidance from a qualified coach or trainer to avoid injury and optimize results. 

 Should You Squat 3 Times A Week? 

Squatting three times a week can be beneficial for many lifters, especially those focusing on strength, power, and muscle growth. However, listen to your body and adjust frequency based on individual recovery capabilities.

How Often Should I Squat For Mass? 

For muscle mass development, squatting 2-3 times per week can provide the necessary stimulus for hypertrophy. Ensure you’re following a well-structured program with progressive overload. 

How Often Should I Squat If I’m A Woman? 

Training frequency is not gender-specific. Women can benefit from squatting as often as men, with frequency adjusted based on individual goals and training level. 

 How Much Can You Increase Your Squat In A Year? 

The potential for squat strength improvement varies among individuals based on factors like training consistency, genetics, and recovery. With a well-structured program, some lifters can achieve significant strength gains in a year, adding an extra 100-200lbs. 

Final Thoughts 

Optimizing squat frequency depends on individual factors such as training goals, experience, and recovery capacity.  

Whether you choose to squat more or less often, it’s essential to prioritize proper form, progressive overload, and sufficient recovery to achieve the best results and prevent injury.  

Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to enjoy the benefits of squatting in your fitness journey. 

How Often Should I Squat? – FAQs 

How Many Times Should You Squat A Week? 

You should squat 2-3 times a week for optimal results, leaving at least 24 hours of recovery between sessions. 

Should You Squat Everyday? 

No, you should not squat every day.  

For most people, squatting every day will be too much volume to recover from.  

How Regularly Should I Do Squats? 

You should do squats 2-3 times a week for the best results, leaving at least 24 hours between sessions for recovery.  

What Happens If I Squat Everyday? 

If you squat everyday you may end up getting negative results. 

If you do too much volume and give yourself no time to recover, your body may not have enough time to repair the damage and may get weaker over time.  

How Many Times A Week Should You Squat To See Results? 

You should squat 2-3 times a week for optimal results. 

Make sure to leave 24 hours of rest in between each session so your body has enough time to recover.  

Is It Ok To Do Squats Every Day? 

Yes, it is okay to do squats everyday.  

However, you also need to ask “how many squats should I do a day” to ensure you do not overdo it. 

If you are doing squats every day, you need to ensure your volume is low so your body has a chance to recover. 

Is Squatting Once A Week Enough? 

Yes, squatting once a week is enough to see some muscle and strength gains.  

However, for optimal results, squatting 2-3 a week will allow you to maximise gains. 

Just make sure to manage squats frequency time and intensity each session to ensure you are doing adequate volume every week.  

How Often Should I Deadlift? 

For optimal results, you should deadlift 2-3 times a week.  

How Often Should You Do Squats A Week? 

You should squat 2-3 times a week to maximise gains. 

Although, it is worth mentioning that time of squats is important too. You should leave at least 24 hours of recovery in-between squat sessions.  

How Often Should You Do Squats For A Bigger Bum? 

You should squat 2-3 per week for a bigger bum. 

Just look up at squats 3 times a week results for inspiration – the more often you squat, the quicker your progress will be. 

Just make sure to leave at least 48 hours of rest in between each squat session. 

We hope you found this article useful. 

Knowing the scientific answer to “how often should I squat” is an advantage that few people have, and if you put this newfound information to use, you could pass all of your peers. 

For more fitness information, head over to MovingForwards.  

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